Thursday, June 01, 2006

My neighbor brought the pot.

Sure I'm celebrating! What's a better way to celebrate than with pot?!

(Especially considering I really needed it to cook spaghetti for dinner tonight.)

The range is hooked up. The refrigerator is cold. The cardboard is off the countertops. My kitchen is fully operational! I had wild delusions of baking chocolate-chip cookies during naptime today and even entertained the thought of going out solely to buy the ingredients. That's when I remembered I don't have a cookie sheet.

All my pots and pans and utensils and just about everything else I need for cooking is still boxed in my basement. I have so much other organizing to do (from the whole floor thing, wherein everything I own was stuffed into the one room wtih carpet) that digging into the cartons is low-priority. Still, I'd promised the kids we'd eat at home tonight, and A.J. had chosen a special pasta at the store. So my neighbor Valerie happily supplied the pot, after the first official tour of the almost-completed space.

Tomorrow my mother arrives to put everything in order. She is very good at that sort of thing, so in the meantime I'm just trying to unbury myself from the chaos that is my house after two months of a kitchen renovation. In the meantime, at least I've got the pot.

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